Tuesday 2 June 2020

Mindfulness - My Emotional Beast

Emotions are powerful: they can either overwhelm you or become your best friend. In class, we have been talking about how to manage our powerful emotions through mindfulness. We have made our own emotional beasts (monsters) to use when practising mindfulness. Here is Jo's example.
Do you have a beast that comes our when you have strong feelings? How do you deal with it in a positive way? Leave some advice in a comment below. 


  1. Hi Room 8! I like to remind myself that it is okay to feel nervous or upset, and then I like to chat to someone that can help me. Asking for help when you need it is super important.

  2. Kia ora my name is Dekovyn from room 25! It looks like you put alot of effort into your beast! You put diffrent combination to make a amazing beast I was trying this you should check it out when I upload it! Blog ya Later!

  3. Kia Ora my name is Isabella-Charis and i'm from room 25.That monster looks AMAZING!you have put lots of shapes to make a cool monster.And also I do have beast that comes out when I have strong feelings and I deal with it by going in my room and read a book or listen to some music.I wonder how do you deal your monster
    Blog ya later

  4. Kia ora Joe! My name is Poppy and I am from Room 25. I do have my own beast that comes to me when i'm either sad or anxious. The way I deal with it is I go and do something calming or something that makes me happy. Thank you for sharing this post. Blog you later, Poppy.

  5. Kia ora room 8 my name is Kezia from room 25.
    Wow,I really liked the way you add the mustache on the monster it looks so cool.
    I would really like to try put the mustache on my monster.
    When did you do the monster?
    Blog you later

  6. Kia ora my name is mariam from room 25! It looks like you put alot of effort into your beast!my beast is annoying one because my brothers they are so annoying. and my one is kinda cute.
    blog ya later

  7. Kia ora room 8, my name is Milo from room 25 I think yoga and relaxing music helps.The key is also to do something you enjoy doing. I like how your monster is different.
    I also like how you monster has three eyes instead of 2 which is normal for us. Snakes for arms is really smart too. The mouth is cool because it is really big and wide. It's also smart making the monsters hair out of shapes. Have you ever made a monster with 10 eyes! Thats all from me. bLog yA lAtEr.

  8. Hey Room 8 my name is Rita from room 25 your monster looks awesome and horns hahaha so cool
    how i deal with my monster is play with my cat or Watching stuff. how do you guys calm down?

  9. kia ora jo my name is Charlotte and i am in room 25.
    Your beast looks really Cool😁!The way i would beat my beast in a posotive way would be eathier play some calm music, Read a book ask someone to read you one.And the last one Play one of your favourite games!
    thanks for sharing your beast! Blog you later here is my blog y blog

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