Tuesday 29 May 2018

Colours in Samoan - Celebrating Samoan Language Week!

We have used Tagul, a word cloud, to help us learn our colours in Samoan.


  1. Talofa lava, Nalanee here from gilberthorpe school, This was really interesting because it samoan language week. When I read your post I learnt lots of the colours in samoan. Maybe Next time you could and more writing and how to pronounce the words.
    Blog you later bye.

  2. Talofa Lava Room 8,
    Thanks for sharing your word cloud showing me the colours in Samoan. I have done lots of learning already this week for Samoan Language week simply by reading lots of class blogs. It is super exciting to see how many of you have taken on learning Samoan words. I agree with Nalanne, it would be great to hear how to pronounce the words too. Do you have someone is your class who is good at pronouncing Samoan words who would be happy to add a video?


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