Tuesday, 12 March 2019

Green Week so far......

We are taking a closer look at Seabirds this week.  Check out our individual blogs for our learning.

We started Green Week with a visit from Vector Energy. We talked about how good sustainable energy is, for the planet and the bank balance. We also looked at how different types of energy are made. 
Sahar and Elio demonstrating how a turbine works. Cole and Salma showing how solar energy works. 

Today we had a visit from Sea Cleaners.

 Hayden and Charlie shared with us what they do and how we can help.

Sea Cleaners pick up the rubbish that washes up on local beaches. They are a charity so need to raise funds to run each boat. They now have 10 boats around the North Island. What a fantastic thing to do!

Charlie has a passion for saving our sea birds. Many are at risk because they eat plastic and feed it to their babies. Plastic bags look like jellyfish and bits of plastic look like fish. 

We can help by picking up rubbish as we walk to school. We can also stop using plastic bags. Keep reducing, reusing and recycling. Can you think of any way to help? Please leave a comment below.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Room 8. I think it is important to look after our environment all day, every day. For me this means stopping and thinking about what I can do every day to help, e.g. taking my own reusable bags to the supermarket, washing and reusing the same container for my lunch each day and using a drink bottle (not buying bottles of water). Small things can make a big difference!


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