Thursday, 28 April 2016

Pizza time!

Sadly, our last garden to table session for this term meant that we had to say goodbye to Laura, our fantastic garden teacher. Thank you for teaching us about how to care for the plants in our gardens.

To make saying goodbye a little easier, we made pizza using herbs and vegetables we had harvested with Laura, cooked in our outdoor pizza oven. Here is a photo of us preparing pizza toppings.

Ridha, Hadia, Hana, Leila and Tatyana.


  1. garden to to table is cool

  2. garden to to table is cool

  3. garden to table is the best

  4. What type of pizza's did you make?
    i bet they are yummy
    From: Johann

  5. hi my name is luke i wonder kind of pizza you made i bet you made a yummy one

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